The Atari Compendium
The Atari Compendium (Toad Computers) (1994).iso
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259 lines
Being a list of known suggestions for spiffing up Fnordadel
- [0] - [9] commands (to print text files on any given pathspec).
- Ability to backspace in dot and floor commands.
- Optional pre-format on uploaded messages (a la makemsg).
1.32-0 - New message flags: mIMPERVIOUS, mPREFORMATTED.
- Filters: Lithp, Buht-wheat, "DETH", Japanese, Line noise.
- On-the-fly LZH compression (network; message base; etc.)
- Unify sys files as well for purge/restrict/twit maybe.
When read into system, put into struct {LABEL name;
long flags;
struct x *next; }
- .Z(forget) U(ser); have one master list of all forgotten aliases,
then each user has a list of indexes into the master list for the
ones they've actually .ZU'ed.
- Do .U(nforget) U(ser); possibly .U(nforget) R(oom) as well (?).
- Rework ^LU menu.
- .RQ(uote); specify block start and end; quote text into Held buffer.
Use .RC(apture) code.
- When .ER expires a room, generate an Aide message.
- iChar() returns HUP for all CTRL characters; it shouldn't.
- .R#x [NORA] - x is limit on # of messages to read; also: user
configurable default value for above.
- rchange room shuffling code (see piece of paper).
- External utility to share many rooms with a node (see
loadnet); OR: have ^LNE allow sharing/unsharing of rooms.
- Totally REWORK callstat, especially the bleedin' line mungin'.
1.32-38 - CTRL-<whatever> twit toggle from console while user online.
1.32-38 - CTRL-<whatever> Punt command/Fake error from console...
1.31-19 - new aide command to Promote a message from local to net (resaving
it, essentially, and deleting the first one.) (use Held buffer)
(Initial - resaves message, does not delete original.)
- Print option for TheSysop() (maybe in .RM)
- Make 'punt' a modifier for .T(erminate), to enable .TPS.
- Private/Invite-only room creator should get an automatic invite to
the room.
- Improve message caching for [R]everse; 4K buffer doesn't help.
- .Z should list all rooms (Public, Private and Invite-only) for any
- Make .S? show list of skipped rooms, a la .Z for [Z] rooms.
- New message type: local-net. Message sent only to local nodes;
needs some way to prevent msgs being backboned onward by recipients.
(Can we pervert/exploit mbroute?)
- Make .[ER]B(inary-file) into .[ER]B(atch), defaulting to Ymodem.
1.32-? - uSYSOPs should be able to .G(oto) PARTIALROOMNAME for private rooms
(and invite only rooms?)
- More smarts in configur to skip over message discontinuities such as
152722, 152723, 151036, 152726, 152727, ...
1.32-9 - canreply() should display error messages when refusing to allow
- Expand the functionality of logedit.tos. Have it display all log
values (a la citpeek.tos), and permit editing them.
- Fix on the regexp stuff in editor.c.
- Fix lFloor() so it takes l_FGT and does the right thing with it.
- Make a utility to eat normal text files and spew out spool files.
- Make a command somewhere in Fnordadel to iNgEsT spool files from
other places besides *.dis in #netdir.
- Amalgamate macro netPending() in netmisc.c with needtocall() in
1.32-3 - Put date printouts on all the time stamps in netlog.sys.
- Implement user-configurable page display mode a la STadel.
- Implement user- and Sysop-configurable subject fields a la STadel.
- Implement some sort of warning to tell users entering net messages
when they are approaching the 7500-character limit.
- When mailing reject notices to people about undelivered net mail,
quote the original message.
1.32-6 - Make Fnordadel work as a door. [Partly done. Currently should
work as a door from any program except another STadel/Fnordadel,
since citadel.tos chains to the destination directory, then writes
out ctdltabl.sys, clobbering the one that was there for the door
copy of citadel.tos.]
- Batch sequential net messages from one user into one message.
1.32-7 - When [G]oto/[S]kip has no rooms left with new messages, print some
kind of message to that effect for non-experts.
1.32-29 - Add Sysop configurable user config defaults.
- Figure out some way(s) to speed up room access.
- Cit-86-style "mail forwarding", i.e. send a user's mail from the
system of receipt to another system, defined by the user.
- Room moderator privs.
- Check connect time when returning from doors to catch door hogs.
- Compact room info into one file?
1.32-9 - At mid-night when resetting user limit values, don't set to 0; just
subtract daily max from them so that overages roll to following days.
1.32-9 - Allow console users to run doors without logging in.
1.32-15 - Show first-time callers 10 newest msgs/room instead of 50 newest
msgs on the system. Make the '10' configurable in ctdlcnfg.sys.
(Possibly temporary compromise: still show N newest, but N is set in
ctdlcnfg.sys; if 0, show all new messages.)
- Implement user groups for invite/evict, mail, room readable/writable.
- When incoming net-mail gets rejected, spool it & allow integration
in ^LND.
- Implement auto-run room-bound doors. Run on entry or exit. (?)
1.32-10 - Stop showing newly-entered messages at the tail end of .RM.
1.32-29 - Alter .RE to put the time/date stamp before the description.
1.32-38 - Status line flag for chat requested. (Or on user name if status
line not used.)
1.32-15 - Convert use of max() to MAX(), #define'd in ctdl.h. Add MIN() &
remove from netmain.c.
1.32-15 - Don't put sequential goto's to the same room each on the backup
1.32-29 - Reimplement .B(ackup)/.U(ngoto) ROOMNAME. But why??????
- Get rid of gotos in tailmesg().
1.32-15 - Implement MAXMAILMSGS so Mail> can be configured separately from
public rooms.
1.32-31 - Implement Hue, Jr.'s "checkpoint" in configur while scanning
message base.
1.32-26 - Implement a .R option to override the "more" default, if set.
(Possibly treat [M] itself as a toggle switch.)
1.32-29 - Implement actual prompts for .R[FDE], for non-experts.
1.32-29 - Remove ugly hacks from configur.tos.
1.32-31 - Integrate 'scribe' into the fnord generator, or at least make the
fnords unlimited in number. [Done the latter.]
- Somehow make message copying into net rooms work so that the message
will be netted out.
- Make .RU accept multiple user-names.
- Make .RU match on node name as well, e.g. .RU "foo@bar" or
.RU "@bar".
1.32-26 - Make a Sysop-settable flag to switch the midnight user limit reset
to zeroing the limits instead of decrementing by the daily limit.
1.32-26 - Implement a negation flag for .R, e.g. .R(ead) ~(not) I(nvited).
Short-term (if desired): negation flag applies to all modifiers.
Long-term: negation flag applies only to following modifier.
- Run stored spool files through crypte() to hide them.
1.32-26 - Check for close events before letting users into doors.
1.32-26 - Implement door privs a la net & mail privs.
1.32-26 - Print "Outside commands" or some-such when Sysop does ^LO, so a
remote user will know what's going on while waiting.
1.32-26 - Put in a ctdlcnfg.sys parameter to do auto-new message display in
Lobby> when user signs on.
- Do away with 10,000 char message limit (make it dynamic).
- Make netmap prettier when handling aliased rooms.
1.32-40 - Change message # reading code to be command driven (e.g. [#] and
.R#), causing a prompt "Enter # of message to read: ".
1.32-29 - Finish off door privs stuff (add to [V]iew user, clog.tos, vlog.tos).
- Convert 'more' [S]top to [S]kip, esp. for use in .RMG (kbad).
- Don't show no-op room edits in Aide>.
- Make it so that remotesysops don't get into rooms they've
forgotten after using ^L.
- Make user logBuf record precisely* which msgs are new in each room;
need 4 * (# of rooms) bytes used in long newmsgs[cfg.maxrooms]. Add
new user config variable to use old or new [G]oto style. Modify
rchange. Add [J]unk comman